Monday, December 29, 2014

Welcome to the magical world of healing essences!

Witch Hazel is a remedy for seasonal depression.

Are you thinking about a new year's resolution but doubting your ability to follow thru? 
Do you feel stuck in old habits, thoughts, beliefs?  
Are you carrying heavy emotional funk?

The green world and i want to help release what is blocking you so you can step into 
your full expression of power, beauty and purpose in 2015!  

Custom Flower Essence Blend 
January SALE! (expires Feb. 1st)
$40 (Normally $50)
or $108 for a three month/three blend healing journey!

Includes intake, bottle, essences, and write up.  
Add $5 If shipping is required.
Start your journey!  

What are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences are natural liquid extracts containing the vibrational healing imprint of a plant.  They are totally safe and non-toxic.  A flower in full bloom holds the healing “essence” or life force of a plant most potently, for it is the peak of the plant’s life cycle and expression.  Flower Essences are prepared by floating a few select blooms in water, which are infused in the sun or moon for a specific length of time.  They are then potentized, diluted, preserved and bottled.  The resulting essences are taken-usually internally- to bring balance and healing to the emotional, mental and spiritual levels of consciousness.

How do Flower Essences work?
The basis of all of life is vibrating energy and everything has a different vibration. When energy becomes blocked by dis-ease, pain, trauma or suffering, it vibrates at a less than optimal frequency.  Flowers to the rescue!  Flower Essences work on the energetic field of the body, each flower offering its unique vibration to heal a variety of specific conditions.  Essences can also be used to bring our overall energy back to health and wholeness.  The flowers show the way and the body follows.  This is the principle of Resonance.

What is Flower Essence Therapy?
Flower Essence Therapy is a process whereby a person seeks and receives the help of a practitioner to heal issues of an emotional, mental or spiritual nature.  As a wholistic approach to wellness, it can include looking at relationships with other people, animals and your home, all of which contribute to who you are.
It is a uniquely effective modality because it works with the healing plants that grow in our local environments.  Some of these will become your allies.
Connecting with the Spirit of the Earth is our deepest healing!

The benefits of Flower Essence Therapy include:
 *stress relief                                                    *a personalized formula!
 *connecting with the earth                                *tell your story and be heard with compassion
 *finding our purpose in this life                         *slowing down and breathing
 *loving and nurturing ourselves                           *feeling more joy, clarity and vibrancy
*letting go of outmoded beliefs that hold us back
*understanding and releasing stuck emotions such as fear, anger and sadness

The process is twofold: 
Self intake.   In your own time and space you will fill out my intake which is designed to get a picture of where you’ve been, where you are now and where you want to go or be in the future. Each of these questions is asked on the level of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  From this picture, I start to get a sense of the core issues that are at work within you and which plants might work to bring you toward healing and wholeness in relationship to these issues.  Another important part of the process is the use of affirmations.  Once the client becomes clear on what needs to happen and where they want to be,  you will develop an affirmation and visualization that you will be using in partnership with the essences.  This partnership is a potent combination for healing.  I may need follow up by email or phone to clarify and crystalize my understanding.

The formula.  Once I have gathered all the information necessary, I combine the plants that will be most appropriate for the client, and create a special formula with great intention and love. I currently work with about 300 plants, trees, stones and fungi and so have a wide range of healing applications at my fingertips.   Formulas are prepared in green glass dropper bottles with personalized label and given to the client along with an email which includes their affirmation and the descriptions of each of the plants’ actions that make up the formula.  Keep in mind as you read the descriptions that they are merely condensed snap shots of amazingly complex and diverse beings.  Take what works and know there is much more than meets the eye! 

Dosage is generally 3 drops, 3 times a day under the tongue.
Meditate on your affirmation/visualization each time, and if possible spend time getting to know the plants/allies you are working with in a personal way.
I recommend keeping a journal to record your experiences.  Pay attention to your dreams.   Listen to  your body.  The healing process may be subtle and it may be intensely transformative.  Each process and path is unique. 

The formula lasts about one month if taken at the suggested dosage.  After one month, I will call to follow up and see how you are doing.   A  3month, 3 formula commitment is recommended,  as this process is deep and profound when given the proper time and energy.  People also benefit after only one consultation and formula.

I am certified by Delta Gardens as a flower essence practitioner
 and have 13 years of experience in this wonderful work!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns along the way. 
Enjoy the journey!

                                                         ~ with bright floral blessings,  Fearn 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Wassailing and the Apple Tree

Do you want to find more connection with Nature in this frenetic holiday season?  
Here is a beautiful tradition from the UK that celebrates the Apple Trees with a festive ritual and yummy beverage!

Wassailing is a term used with several meanings and associated traditions related to Yuletide and Solstice.  The word actually means "Be Healthy" and is used as a word of toast; "Wassail!"
Wassail also refers to the warm spiced alcoholic beverage imbibed by the revelers and shared with the Apple Trees.  Finally, Wassailing is a verb referring to the ritual practice of processing, singing, drinking the beverage and making offerings to the Apple Trees.
Incidentally, the origin of the phrase "to toast" with glasses raised in honor of someone or thing is from the Wassailing tradition.

The apple tree is sacred to the Druids and to many pagans who know its deep wisdom and depend on its fruits for nourishment.  Our ancestors understood their responsibility to the land and knew how to ensure the health, fertility and abundance of their food crops.  They did this not only by physical practices such as soil building and pest control, but also by attending to the spirits of Nature.

This is a folkloric tradition so practices varied from one area to the next, but here are the basics for creating your very own Wassail!

  • Make some Wassail! (see recipes below)
  • Invite all your apple tree loving friends
  • Wear warm clothes and boots and bring instruments, especially low pitched drums, and penny whistles
  • Learn a Wassailing Song.  (See Lyrics below)
  • March to drum with one person (perhaps the oldest) in front, holding the bowl of wassail and toast, the rest follow with mugs of wassail
  • circle around the largest apple tree in the orchard. 
  • Sing and drink and drum!
  • One person (perhaps the youngest) takes soaked toast from bowl, climbs tree and leaves it for tree spirit.  
  • Elder pours the rest of the wassail onto the roots of the tree.
  • Sing some more and toast the tree!
  • Huzzah!  

Hot Spiced Wassail (non-alcoholic)

4 cups cranberry juice
6 cinnamon sticks
5 cups apple cider
1 orange, studded with whole cloves
1 cup water
1 apple, cored and sliced
1/2 cup brown sugar

Mix juice, cider, and water in large saucepan or crock pot. Add cinnamon sticks, clove studded orange, and apple slices. Simmer mixture for 4 hours. Serve hot. Makes 12 servings.

Traditional Wassail
from John & Caitlin Matthews' book The Winter Solstice.

Heat a large container of ale or beer, about 3 or 4 pints. Add:
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup mixed spice (cinnamon sticks and whole cloves are also excellent)
2 or 3 small sweet apples, cut up
1 1/4 cup pineapple juice
1 1/4 cup orange juice
the juice of 2 lemons
Place over a slow flame; then, before it begins to boil, take off the heat and whip up some cream. Let this float on top of the brew like foam.
Put in a suitably large bowl (the more ornate the better)
Toast some good bread and add to the Wassail bowl.

Wassail Song
Here's to thee, old apple tree
Whence thou may'st bud and whence tho may'st blow
And whence thou may'st bear apples enow.
Hats full, caps full, bushel, bushel sacks full, And my pockets full too!

Lift your glasses to the tree and shout "Huzzah!" as loud as you can.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Guardians of the Sacred Earth; a 7 Month Immersion with Fearn Lickfield

Imagine the journey…  You have committed yourself to become a Guardian of the Sacred Earth.  Your mind has some understanding of what to expect, but your soul knows that great mysteries await.  You sense wild power and transformation are just around the corner. Your final approach takes you up a winding forested road following a babbling brook; up and up until you find yourself in Dreamland.  You meet your fellows on the journey, and together you take your first steps into the Sacred Grove. Deep connections and pathways open and your transformation begins.

Guardians of the Sacred Earth

7-Month Immersion
in Spiritual Stewardry and Earth Healing
with Fearn Lickfield

*7 full day intensives at magical Dreamland packed with transformative earth teachings and practices.
*Monthly conference calls with Fearn for Q & A and additional support,
*Membership in an active and growing community of Guardians of the Sacred Earth.
*A custom healing essence for your land,
*Activation of your healing essence, spirit helpers and the Grove to empower your work. 
*Gain clarity, skill, harmony and empowerment with your home.

Testimonials from our 2015 Immersion;

Thank you Fearn! It was a life changing experience for me and I am so grateful for you deep wisdom and huge heart. I look forward to many more opportunities to learn from you. You are such a gift to this world. Blessings!

~Kelly Iverson

Fearn's course, Guardians of the Sacred Earth, has been invaluable to me. Fearn has been an incredible teacher. With open-minded acceptance, yet a clear understanding of what is essential, she has gently guided me. Because she had no judgement, only observation, acceptance, and helpful feedback, I felt I could not fail. Because I felt such freedom in her guidance, I have grown more deeply into my own path. Fearn's course has helped me grow in ways hoped for and in ways unexpected. I am deeply grateful.
~Merrily Lovell

Spiritual Stewardry, Geomancy
Dowsing, Earth Energies
Faery, Elemental Magic
Tree Medicine, Journeywork
Earth Acupuncture, Flower Essences
Spirit Allies and co-creation
Altars, Ceremony, Prayer
and so much more…

The mission of GSE is to facilitate the innate capacity of people to connect spiritually with the land in order to co create healing, balance, fertility and sacred space. Every human who has access to even a small piece of precious land can affect everything! We train people to become empowered and skilled stewards who can understand, respond and serve the earth in this time of great need and change.
Guardians work intimately with the medicine and teachings of the trees for wisdom and remembrance of our original instructions; our roots go deep below, our crowns rise to the stars above and our hearts open wide to life.

Become a Guardian. The Earth needs us.
$969.  Pre-registration required.  
$100 off if you reg. by 2/1/16!
Dates; 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8 
10am- 5pm.                       

Payment Plan
If you cannot prepay in full you can opt for our accessible payment plan;
$200 deposit, + $115 per month for 7 months.

During our Saturday immersions we will share lunch.  This will be an organized potluck.  You will be coordinating a meal with one or more other students, at least once.

Conference Calls
In between each Saturday Immersion there will be a conference call to deepen your understand of the practices, to ask questions, get support and to stay on track with the work.  There will likely be new information and practices offered on these calls.
These will be Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm.  They are not required but highly recommended.  I will be sending the call in number and password a few days before each call.

Students are welcome to camp out at Dreamland Friday night and/or Saturday night.  You will have access to a plumbed bathroom (sink and toilet,) swimming pond and tipi.  Please bring any food and camp gear that you need.

and now there is more!

Guardians of the Sacred Earth 2 
Taking our tools to task.
Sundays; 4/17, 6/12, 8/7, 10/16
10am- 5pm.
4 full days of Geomantic hands on learning, practice and magical adventure with Fearn and Ivan. 
Prerequisite; Completion of GSE 1, GM Druid Training, or Foundations of Geomancy.  Must have basic understanding of Earth Energies, ability to dowse/ divine for information and location, and have at least one Geomantic Spirit Guide (one who can work with you to heal, balance and clear the land). 
We will work together on several exciting projects around central Vermont including;
*Making a flower essence(tree or fungus) and divining its application for the land.
*Pilgrimage to meet and honor a powerful mountain Dragon.
*Labyrinth design and installation
Montpelier River Temple Stone Circle- design  (we hope!)
*Healing techniques for wounded land and waters; Sound, Crystals and Essences…
*Mapping the major Ley Lines of VT
*House and Land Clearing
*Dowsing Practice!
Practical application of knowledge gained. 

Please pre-register by Feb. 1
Tuition $400. 

$200 deposit to register, $50 payments due on each of the training days.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gratitude; The Practice of Offering

This is the healing essence and spontaneous earth altar
that i made with Genevieve Drutchas for the Honey Bees.

O Holy One, I ran thru the fields and gathered flowers of a thousand colors-
And now I pour them out at your feet.
Their beauty and their brightness shout for joy in Your Presence.
You created the flowers of the fields and made each one far more lovely
Than all the skill of man could design.
Accept my joy along with theirs,
This field of blossoms at your feet.
Holy One, as the wind flows through these flowers
Till they dance in the ecstasy of creation,
Send Your Spirit to blow through my being
Till i too bloom and dance with the fullness of Your life.

Ishpriya R.S.C.J.

Dear earth dwellers,
I want to share a few words from my heart about unconditional giving and reciprocity to the Earth.  You know that bumper sticker that says "Commit Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty"?  I love this notion and have been moved to make this part of my spiritual practice.

Unconditional giving in the form of regular offerings to the earth is a potent way to bring balance back into our relationship with the land.  

Here are a few tips to consider when making offerings;

  • Make an outdoor altar.  It can simply be the base of a special tree, a flat rock or a stump.  
  • "Taken, tendered and turned." Don't just give Her something that she made to begin with!  A good offering is one to which we have added our special human touch.   Home or locally crafted is best.  Something that represents your love and gratitude for the Earth.
  • Living essence/life force.  The spirits eat the living essence of the objects we offer.  Let your offering be filled with life.  It is traditional for offerings to be fermented for this reason; alcohol, kombucha, fermented food, especially if you made it yourself.  The first plate of food, and glass of drink at your feast can be offered to the Earth.   
  • Love and Creativity as food for the spirits. This includes songs, poems, eloquence, prayer, blessing, dance, sculpture… from you heart, especially if you created it!  
  • Keep it fresh, biodegradable, and active.  Don't let your altar get moldy, dusty or cluttered with objects that won't break down.  Tend it as you would a sacred temple!

At this time of Thanksgiving, let us remember the generosity of the Earth 
and take some time to give back to She who gives everything that we may live.

Our East Faery Altar

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fearn Essence Services

Flower Essence custom blends
Spiritual House Cleansing
Ceremony and Rites

What are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences are natural liquid extracts containing the vibrational healing imprint of a plant.  They are totally safe and non-toxic.  A flower in full bloom holds the healing “essence” or life force of a plant most potently, for it is the peak of the plant’s life cycle and expression.  Flower Essences are prepared by floating a few select blooms in water, which are infused in the sun or moon for a specific length of time.  They are then potentized, diluted, preserved and bottled.  The resulting essences are taken-usually internally- to bring balance and healing to the emotional, mental and spiritual levels of consciousness.

The benefits of Flower Essence Therapy include:
 *stress relief                                                    *a personalized formula!
 *connecting with the earth                                *tell your story and be heard with compassion
 *finding our purpose in this life                         *slowing down and breathing
 *loving and nurturing ourselves                           *feeling more joy, clarity and vibrancy
*letting go of outmoded beliefs that hold us back
*understanding and releasing stuck emotions such as fear, anger and sadness

The green world and i want to see you step into your full expression of power, beauty and purpose!  
Custom Flower Essence Blend 
$50 or $108 for a three month/three blend healing journey!

No appointment necessary!  
Includes intake, bottle, essences, and write up.  
Add $5 If shipping is required.
Start your journey. 

I am certified by Delta Gardens as a flower essence practitioner
 and have 13 years of experience in this wonderful work!

Geomancy Consults
I am available to meet with you and your land to support you in co-creating 
the highest level of harmony between person and place.  

This may include the following; 
Clearing of old or outmoded energies and entities
Healing of wounds in the matrix of place
Balancing of elements and elementals 
Siting of home, garden, water wells, temples
Updating, vitalizing and manifestation of your dreams with the land
Communication and symbiosis with Spirits of Place and Faery. 
Consecration of home and land
Spiritual House Cleansing
Protection from unwanted influences
Co creation of temples such as Labyrinths, stone circles,
Dowsing services
$60-80/hr. sliding scale.
For those who live further away, i will travel for an additional .7/mile.

Spiritual House Cleansing
Does your home need a good cleansing?  

Our homes are powerful tools of transformation, intention and manifestation!  
There are a few areas of life that are good gauges of the relative harmony of your home.  These include sleep and rest, relationship, success, health, happiness and fertility (people or land).
If one or more of these areas is challenged, and has been for a long time, it may be a red flag that your home needs some clearing.  

A few things i consider when assessing your home; 
·      History and psychic residue/ place memory-
·      Geopathic stress- This is caused by strong earth energies running thru your home. 
·      Technopathic stress (electromagnetic stress/EMF’s, microwave, cell), 

·      Portals, entities  

$60-80/hr. sliding scale.

For those who live further away, i will travel up to an hour for an additional .7/mile.
I also can work remotely with a phone consult.

To make your appointment contact me at

Blessed be your home, inside and out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

See and Believe!

dear readers, 
This week  I am inspired to share with you some of the images i have collected which speak volumes about the work i do with the earth, about Dreamland; our home and school, 
and about the Spirit of Nature.  

May these images enter your eye and feed your soul!  


Re-membering ourselves back into the web of life is our deepest healing.

Friday, October 31, 2014

We are the ancestors of the future.

At this Hallowed time, many of us are moved to honor the ancestors of blood and spirit who have lived and died.  They are closer now and communion with them can be very healing and insightful.

Someday we too will die and become the ancestors of the future.  
What is the legacy you would like to leave with your precious life?
What world would you like them to inherit?

These are the questions i am asking.

What if we are able to heal our ancestral wounds so that future generations have a chance to live in peace, respect and love for all beings.
What if we lived with the land today with them in mind?

The health of the land is perhaps the greatest legacy we can leave for the future generations.  

i do not have my own children yet i see all life as my kin, past, present and future.
We all have been made by what has been and we are making what will be.
We can do this unconsciously or consciously.
We can step into the role of Sacred Guardian.

What is a guardian? It can be defined as a defender, protector or keeper; one who watches over a person or place.

To me a Guardian of the land is one who takes stewardry to a deeper level of spiritual understanding, co-creation, healing and protection.  The scale could be a small plot of ground or the whole planet.  

I am a Guardian of my home and the Sacred Earth.  What this means is evolving as are the needs of the earth.  i never saw myself as an activist but climate change has changed that.  When facing global crisis, there comes a point when signing online petitions and praying just isn't enough.  In the past i did not want to engage in activism because it seemed so negative. It seemed to be all about being anti this or that.  As a magical person i know that fighting against can be counter productive.

We are creators!  Actually, we are even better co-creators.  When we come out of isolation and partner with life, we can do so much good.

Recently i attended the Times Up, Rise Up Rally and Sit In for Climate Justice.  It was a fantastic, well planned, inspiring and empowering event!  We called for Shumlin to agree to no more fossil fuel infrastructure, including the proposed VT pipeline for natural gas.  I loved being in a crowd of deeply committed caring people.  I sang and cheered and laughed, and i called on the ancestors of this land to support the best possible outcome of the event…

What do you love so deeply that you are willing to rise up and protect it for the good of all beings? 

May we stay strong and true together
and always remember we are ONE with the Earth.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2016 Fearn Essence Calendar

  Elemental Magick Series

6-7:30pm at the HM Coop!   $7members/10 non-members
Thursdays, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb.18, Feb 25

Transform your relationship with Nature.  Learn lore, tools and techniques to connect, co-create and heal with the Elements; including songs, rituals, herbs, nature spirits, and embodiment practices.

Air- Learn to breathe with the trees, repair the climate, find your wings, speak from your heart, sing, pray, and make herbal incense!

Fire- Meet your Dragon, find your power, light Brighid’s Flame, kindle your passions, become a creator! 

Water- Meet the Serpent, dive deep into the underworld, release and let go, healing the waters, flower essences, moon magic.

Earth- Root work, journey to the heart of Gaia, meet the gnomes, sacred soil, bones, stones and marrow.

Save the Dates! Register at the HMCoop. 

Thursdays, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb.18, Feb 25

The Quickening; Kindling the Sacred Flame of Imbolc

With Carolyn Hooper and Fearn Lickfield
Feb. 6th 10am-6pm  at the Worcester Town Hall
Join us for a day of deep connection, warmth, transformation and hope as the light returns.  Imbolc is sacred to the Goddess Brigid who is the embodiment of the Eternal Flame, the healing waters, and the Light within the Earth. We will experience, engage and explore Her many gifts; activating the light within, and sharing her healing waters with the world.  
$75-100 (20% GMDruid discount)
Includes gourmet lunch. To register contact

Dreaming into Essence 

with Mary Kay Kasper, Laura Smith and Fearn Lickfield
Feb. 27th  9-5pm at the Worcester Town Hall
An intimate day-long healing retreat bringing together the alchemical power of your Dreams and the Essences of plants.
$75 - $100 includes snacks, beverages and lunch and a custom essence blend to take home with you! Advance registration required, limited space available.
Pay using Paypal or send us a check! Checks made payable to Mary Kay Kasper and mailed to 22 Foster Street, Montpelier, VT 05601.

starting in April of 2016….

      of the
Sacred Earth
Person, Place, Plant and Planet
    7 month Immersion

o   7 full day intensives at Dreamland packed with teachings and practices to help you connect and co-create healing  with the Earth, 
o   Monthly conference calls with Fearn for Q & A and addition support,
o   Membership in an active and growing community of Guardians of the Sacred Earth with private FB page
o   A custom healing essence blend for your land.
o   Activation of your healing essence, spirit helpers and the Grove to empower your work as a Guardian.

For more info see the Training tab on this blog or  contact
Pre-registration required.  $969