Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fearn Essence Services

Flower Essence custom blends
Spiritual House Cleansing
Ceremony and Rites

What are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences are natural liquid extracts containing the vibrational healing imprint of a plant.  They are totally safe and non-toxic.  A flower in full bloom holds the healing “essence” or life force of a plant most potently, for it is the peak of the plant’s life cycle and expression.  Flower Essences are prepared by floating a few select blooms in water, which are infused in the sun or moon for a specific length of time.  They are then potentized, diluted, preserved and bottled.  The resulting essences are taken-usually internally- to bring balance and healing to the emotional, mental and spiritual levels of consciousness.

The benefits of Flower Essence Therapy include:
 *stress relief                                                    *a personalized formula!
 *connecting with the earth                                *tell your story and be heard with compassion
 *finding our purpose in this life                         *slowing down and breathing
 *loving and nurturing ourselves                           *feeling more joy, clarity and vibrancy
*letting go of outmoded beliefs that hold us back
*understanding and releasing stuck emotions such as fear, anger and sadness

The green world and i want to see you step into your full expression of power, beauty and purpose!  
Custom Flower Essence Blend 
$50 or $108 for a three month/three blend healing journey!

No appointment necessary!  
Includes intake, bottle, essences, and write up.  
Add $5 If shipping is required.
Start your journey. 

I am certified by Delta Gardens as a flower essence practitioner
 and have 13 years of experience in this wonderful work!

Geomancy Consults
I am available to meet with you and your land to support you in co-creating 
the highest level of harmony between person and place.  

This may include the following; 
Clearing of old or outmoded energies and entities
Healing of wounds in the matrix of place
Balancing of elements and elementals 
Siting of home, garden, water wells, temples
Updating, vitalizing and manifestation of your dreams with the land
Communication and symbiosis with Spirits of Place and Faery. 
Consecration of home and land
Spiritual House Cleansing
Protection from unwanted influences
Co creation of temples such as Labyrinths, stone circles,
Dowsing services
$60-80/hr. sliding scale.
For those who live further away, i will travel for an additional .7/mile.

Spiritual House Cleansing
Does your home need a good cleansing?  

Our homes are powerful tools of transformation, intention and manifestation!  
There are a few areas of life that are good gauges of the relative harmony of your home.  These include sleep and rest, relationship, success, health, happiness and fertility (people or land).
If one or more of these areas is challenged, and has been for a long time, it may be a red flag that your home needs some clearing.  

A few things i consider when assessing your home; 
·      History and psychic residue/ place memory-
·      Geopathic stress- This is caused by strong earth energies running thru your home. 
·      Technopathic stress (electromagnetic stress/EMF’s, microwave, cell), 

·      Portals, entities  

$60-80/hr. sliding scale.

For those who live further away, i will travel up to an hour for an additional .7/mile.
I also can work remotely with a phone consult.

To make your appointment contact me at fearnessence@gmail.com.

Blessed be your home, inside and out.

1 comment:

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