Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Guardians of the Sacred Earth; a 7 Month Immersion with Fearn Lickfield

Imagine the journey…  You have committed yourself to become a Guardian of the Sacred Earth.  Your mind has some understanding of what to expect, but your soul knows that great mysteries await.  You sense wild power and transformation are just around the corner. Your final approach takes you up a winding forested road following a babbling brook; up and up until you find yourself in Dreamland.  You meet your fellows on the journey, and together you take your first steps into the Sacred Grove. Deep connections and pathways open and your transformation begins.

Guardians of the Sacred Earth

7-Month Immersion
in Spiritual Stewardry and Earth Healing
with Fearn Lickfield

*7 full day intensives at magical Dreamland packed with transformative earth teachings and practices.
*Monthly conference calls with Fearn for Q & A and additional support,
*Membership in an active and growing community of Guardians of the Sacred Earth.
*A custom healing essence for your land,
*Activation of your healing essence, spirit helpers and the Grove to empower your work. 
*Gain clarity, skill, harmony and empowerment with your home.

Testimonials from our 2015 Immersion;

Thank you Fearn! It was a life changing experience for me and I am so grateful for you deep wisdom and huge heart. I look forward to many more opportunities to learn from you. You are such a gift to this world. Blessings!

~Kelly Iverson

Fearn's course, Guardians of the Sacred Earth, has been invaluable to me. Fearn has been an incredible teacher. With open-minded acceptance, yet a clear understanding of what is essential, she has gently guided me. Because she had no judgement, only observation, acceptance, and helpful feedback, I felt I could not fail. Because I felt such freedom in her guidance, I have grown more deeply into my own path. Fearn's course has helped me grow in ways hoped for and in ways unexpected. I am deeply grateful.
~Merrily Lovell

Spiritual Stewardry, Geomancy
Dowsing, Earth Energies
Faery, Elemental Magic
Tree Medicine, Journeywork
Earth Acupuncture, Flower Essences
Spirit Allies and co-creation
Altars, Ceremony, Prayer
and so much more…

The mission of GSE is to facilitate the innate capacity of people to connect spiritually with the land in order to co create healing, balance, fertility and sacred space. Every human who has access to even a small piece of precious land can affect everything! We train people to become empowered and skilled stewards who can understand, respond and serve the earth in this time of great need and change.
Guardians work intimately with the medicine and teachings of the trees for wisdom and remembrance of our original instructions; our roots go deep below, our crowns rise to the stars above and our hearts open wide to life.

Become a Guardian. The Earth needs us.
$969.  Pre-registration required.  
$100 off if you reg. by 2/1/16!
Dates; 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8 
10am- 5pm.                       

Payment Plan
If you cannot prepay in full you can opt for our accessible payment plan;
$200 deposit, + $115 per month for 7 months.

During our Saturday immersions we will share lunch.  This will be an organized potluck.  You will be coordinating a meal with one or more other students, at least once.

Conference Calls
In between each Saturday Immersion there will be a conference call to deepen your understand of the practices, to ask questions, get support and to stay on track with the work.  There will likely be new information and practices offered on these calls.
These will be Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm.  They are not required but highly recommended.  I will be sending the call in number and password a few days before each call.

Students are welcome to camp out at Dreamland Friday night and/or Saturday night.  You will have access to a plumbed bathroom (sink and toilet,) swimming pond and tipi.  Please bring any food and camp gear that you need.


and now there is more!

Guardians of the Sacred Earth 2 
Taking our tools to task.
Sundays; 4/17, 6/12, 8/7, 10/16
10am- 5pm.
4 full days of Geomantic hands on learning, practice and magical adventure with Fearn and Ivan. 
Prerequisite; Completion of GSE 1, GM Druid Training, or Foundations of Geomancy.  Must have basic understanding of Earth Energies, ability to dowse/ divine for information and location, and have at least one Geomantic Spirit Guide (one who can work with you to heal, balance and clear the land). 
We will work together on several exciting projects around central Vermont including;
*Making a flower essence(tree or fungus) and divining its application for the land.
*Pilgrimage to meet and honor a powerful mountain Dragon.
*Labyrinth design and installation
Montpelier River Temple Stone Circle- design  (we hope!)
*Healing techniques for wounded land and waters; Sound, Crystals and Essences…
*Mapping the major Ley Lines of VT
*House and Land Clearing
*Dowsing Practice!
Practical application of knowledge gained. 

Please pre-register by Feb. 1
Tuition $400. 

$200 deposit to register, $50 payments due on each of the training days.  


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    1. I highly recommend the program Guardians of the Sacred Earth with Fearn Lickfield. What an exceptional opportunity at this moment of evolution and transformation on earth, with a beautiful, humble, powerful woman who excels at encouraging others to find their roots and center, and pursue their authentic path of self healing, and earth care. If you are on the fence about taking this class, take my advice, sign up now! What receive in return will feed you, your home, and your community, many fold! With love, Sandra Lory
