I am excited to be sharing writings and workshops as Essential Nature once again.
This is the name i give my flower essence teachings and practice many years ago.Since then i have added quite a few essential natural tools to my belt and will be offering them in some exciting new workshops and trainings. I also want to share some inspirations and tips with you here about how to best harmonize the energy of your home, land and be of service to the earth.
My greatest teachers in this work are the trees. They have guided me here and i owe them a huge debt of gratitude. They provide the medicine the earth needs so much and we provide the legs to take it where she needs it most. The trees remind us about being bridges between the deep below and the great above, while anchoring the middle place with our hearts open to life.
So lets start with a very simple practice for connecting with the trees thru the breath.
Go out and find a tree that would like to work with you. Often this means staying in a receptive state so that you can be found by the tree. Approach this tree with respect. Make an offering of some kind from your heart. Gaze at the tree up close to see detail, shape, color and form and then step back and gaze at its entirety. Ask the tree if it would be willing to breathe with you. Listen for the answer.
As long as you get a YES you may proceed to breathe with tree. As you inhale know that you are taking in the oxygen that this tree has exhaled. As you exhale, offer your carbon dioxide to the tree as it inhales. Do this for as many rounds as you wish. Feel the simple yet profound connection that results from consciously sharing breath with a tree. Is it a coincidence that trees and humans can feed each other in this way? We are made to do this! Blessed be the trees.
And blessed be you, Fearn! I'll be looking at and connecting with the trees a bit differently after reading this. Thank you.